Floor mats are an essential element of any premises safety program. They help to mitigate slip and fall accidents, which account for 12-15% of all workplace injuries.

However, a dislodged or moving floor mat can become a major hazard for employees and customers alike. Preventing this from happening takes a little time and effort but is well worth the investment.

They Protect Your Footwear

Mats are designed to trap dirt and debris that is brought into a building, which can then be easily removed with regular vacuuming. This process prevents the contamination of other areas within a building and reduces the risk of slips and falls. Mats are also a great way to protect footwear from damage. Depending on the material, some floor mats are made to be grippy or have textures that add traction and help people stay upright.

Mat materials include traditional carpet and rubber, as well as newer materials such as vinyl, vulcanized rubber, textured nylon and others. The type of mat you choose should be based on your business needs. Mats for high traffic areas need to be rugged and durable; those in dry environments need to look nice while capturing soil and debris; and mats used near wet or greasy work areas must be able to drain fluids. The mat’s backing is also an important consideration, as it can impact how well a mat stays in place.

Some types of mats can be prone to slippage, and this is usually due to moisture levels or changes in temperature. Other factors that contribute to mat slippage are the velocity and direction of foot traffic over the mat, accumulated dirt or dust on the mat’s surface and improper cleaning and maintenance. Mats that are prone to slipping can also create trip hazards and make employees and customers uncomfortable.

Properly installed and properly maintained mats are an effective tool for reducing slips and falls, which can lead to injuries and lost productivity. This helps businesses mitigate liability costs associated with workplace accidents and improves the safety of workers and customers.

Floor mats are one of the first things that visitors, clients and employees see as they enter a company’s premises. These mats should be well-maintained and aesthetically pleasing to help give a positive first impression. In addition, they should be easy to clean, which is important for food preparation areas. It is recommended to follow the mat’s manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and drying, to ensure proper function and a long lifespan.

They Prevent Dirt and Debris from Accumulating

While floor mats may seem like a small detail in the grand scheme of business operations, they can help mitigate some of the largest hazards facing businesses. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, slips, trips and falls account for 19 percent of lost workdays in manufacturing and are the leading cause of workers’ compensation claims. However, dangers are easily reduced with non-slip mats, as they help prevent moisture buildup and provide extra traction, reducing the likelihood of slips and falls in high-traffic areas.

The presence of premium floor mats helps reduce the amount of dirt and debris that tracks inside buildings, reducing the risk of slip and fall accidents as well as damage to flooring surfaces. The matting also traps dirt at the source, which decreases the frequency of deep cleanings and eliminates the need for harsh chemicals, further reducing operational costs.

In addition, the matting acts as a barrier to moisture, which can lead to slippery floors and slip and fall accidents. This prevents ice and water build-up on the bottom of shoes and contributes to safer, more efficient workplaces.

When it comes to choosing the right matting for your business, it is important to select the type that best fits your needs. Different locations require different types of matting to keep dirt and debris out. For example, high traffic areas, such as entranceways, require mats that can withstand the wear and tear of heavy foot traffic.

Additionally, entrance matting helps reduce the amount of germs brought into a facility. According to Cleanfax, it only takes 1,500 people walking over a tile floor to remove 42 percent of its finish.

It is also important to regularly inspect the mats and ensure that they are clean, dry and intact. A mat that is curling or rippling can become a hazard and should be replaced as soon as it becomes worn or dirty.

In addition to protecting employees and reducing operational costs, the proper use of matting can demonstrate that a company is taking preventive measures to avoid accidents and shows that it cares about the safety of its customers and visitors. By implementing a stringent floor safety plan and investing in premium mats, small business owners can greatly minimize risk and protect their assets from expensive lawsuits and worker’s comp claims.

They Help You Identify Hazardous Areas

Floor mats are often the first thing customers, employees and visitors notice when entering a business. They can set the tone for a facility’s cleanliness, safety standards and overall customer experience. If a mat is missing, dirty, curled or worn, it can signal a lack of attention to safety detail that can lead to accidents.

Dirt, excess moisture and grease or oily substances are main contributors to slips and falls, making it crucial to have the right mats in the right areas. Floor mats are commonly placed by entranceways and in high-traffic areas, but are also needed for wet work stations such as drink dispensers, ice machines, sinks and dishwashing areas.


Some mats are designed specifically for wet areas to contain and drain fluids, helping to prevent them from causing slips and falls. Others have textures or grit that add to the mat’s slip-resistance. For example, mats with an anti-fatigue design are structured to caress the feet of employees and customers standing on them and provide relief from fatigue.

Having the right matting in place is vital for mitigating slips, trips and falls, which account for 12-15% of workers compensation claims. It is important to choose the right mats for your location and to regularly clean, inspect and replace them.

In addition to promoting a safe workplace, properly maintained mats can help businesses save on cleaning costs, reduce downtime and avoid costly lawsuits.

Several factors contribute to the failure of mats to perform as intended, including improper cleaning and maintenance and the age of the mat. Mats should be cleaned regularly using a mild detergent and water. Depending on the type of mat, some may require deep cleaning to prevent mold and mildew build-up. The mats should then be dried thoroughly before placing back on the floor to prevent slipping. Additionally, it is a good idea to have extra mats available for use during inclement weather when the chances of a slip and fall are highest. Mats that are loose or falling can cause tripping hazards and result in injuries to customers and employees alike.

They Increase Your Visibility

A poorly-placed mat or a dirty floor can turn into a major safety hazard if employees or visitors don’t see it. That’s why it’s essential to have clearly-marked mats near every entryway and other hazards. These mats should be designed to stand out, with a bright color like yellow or red that’s easy to spot in a dimly lit space or in the dark.

Some floor mats feature textured or grated surfaces to provide extra traction and improve safety for anyone who walks on them. This is particularly helpful for slippery or greasy areas that could contribute to slip-and-fall accidents.

In addition to adding a textured surface, some mats are also designed to help drain water or other liquids that might create a slippery mess. These mats may have drainage holes sculpted into their top surface, or they might feature a special carpet that’s treated to resist staining and other damage.

Floor mats should be cleaned regularly to prevent dirt and debris from building up. However, it’s important to avoid using harsh chemicals on your commercial mats, which can damage or even destroy them. Many high-end floor mats are available with antimicrobial properties that protect them from germs and bacteria while reducing cleaning time and chemicals.

It’s also essential to replace floor mats as needed, which may be more often than you think. If your mats are showing signs of wear or have lost their traction, it’s a good idea to invest in new ones to reduce the risk of slip-and-fall accidents.

While it’s easy to overlook the importance of keeping your floor mats in good condition, they can have a significant impact on overall business performance and productivity. In fact, it’s possible that even one slip-and-fall accident could cost your company millions of dollars in liability claims.

A stringent plan for floor safety can dramatically mitigate these risks and keep your workplace safe and productive. If you need help creating a comprehensive floor safety plan, speak with a Society agent in your area to discuss your options.